Where did today go? Can someone please tell me? Yes, I may have snuggled further and further under my duvet this morning (it was cold!) but still... How is it already late afternoon?
I had such plans for today... It's not that it was a bad day, it just
went a different direction than the day I had planned. The happiest
detour was a visit from a friend and her two gorgeous kids.
Double dose of gorgeousness through the kitchen window!
Cutie!! |
The other visitor, our new resident hedgehog, dozing after his fresh feijoa feast. |
I had planned to whip up a batch of apple and feijoa jam in the early afternoon, as I had a microwave recipe that as meant to be a
breeze. I had images of me happily bottling up this jam, as my feijoa, ginger and vanilla jam bubbled away on the stove, all while effortlessly entertaining my friend and her kids... I could even sing sweetly and make it all look very effortless and Martha-esque.
HA! Not so at all!
I followed the recipe to the letter. It did not work. I attribute it to the 'cooking times may vary according to microwave' disclaimer.
It was promising. I had such lovely firm fruit and gorgeous apples, all happily dappled by sunlight on my kitchen table. |
It was lovely sitting in the sunshine while prepping the fruit. |
I'm getting a bit fed up with the sideways photos. Anyways, 2 cups of mashed feijoas, 2 cups of peeled chopped apples and 1/2 a cup of water. I popped it in the microwave for 20 minutes on high, as per the directions. |
Then mash, mash, mash and add 3 cups of sugar. I also put in three tablespoons of lemon juice. |
Stir, stir, stir until the sugar dissolves (it had that lovely, glossy sugar sheen that I'm starting to become very familiar with.) Pop back in the microwave for 15 min (HA!) |
After about 30 min in the microwave, it still hadn't reached setting point and I got fed up.
I tipped it in my trusty pot, added another squeeze of lemon juice and let it bubble away until I knew it was about right. |
Done and delicious. Unfortunately, I've almost run out of jars now. |
Next time, I'll stick to the pot. I was right to be skeptical of microwave jam... but I suppose it was worth a shot. Didn't get the other one made though. Maybe later on tonight? I did pick another bag of feijoas this afternoon.
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